19 June 2005

Things Could Certainly Be Worse…

An exciting weekend for us, but not in a good way. RWT cut up his hand on his table saw while working on the new dining room chairs. He’s not quite sure how he did it, but his left hand and the spinning blade collided. Not a pretty sight and when RWT says “maybe we should call an ambulance”, I know things are bad.

Over seven hours later (two full hours of it devoted just to suturing his hand), we finally left the emergency room. Everything is okay for now, but he’ll need hand surgery in the future. And, as usual RWT was the star of the emergency room.

The last time I had to take him to the emergency room was when he got a horrible sinus infection immediately following his laser eye surgery. By the time we arrived at the ER for the second time that day, his face was swollen to the point where he did not even look like himself. After we got past the check-in nurse who insisted she interview him alone because she thought I had been beating him, it was a rather amusing visit. It seems that half of the hospital staff had to drop by to nonchalantly peer into the examination room to see such an unusual manifestation of a sinus infection. And the PA kept repeating how interesting it was, that it was like nothing he’d seen before and he was very excited.

Well, this time was not much different, but instead of his face, everyone wanted to look at his hand x-rays. I could spy doctor after doctor checking them out as we waited for his hand to be stitched up. Then as we were finally leaving, we walked past an office and there was yet another doctor looking at them

Luckily, all five fingers are still attached, it is his left hand and he has the use of at least four of his fingers. When he goes to see the specialist Bethesda tomorrow, I’m sure we’ll see Marines and Sailors back from Iraq who are in much worse shape. We are both very thankful, that in the big scheme of things, this is relatively minor.

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