02 June 2005

Raised by Wolves -- Incident #1

Why do people not answer their email? I’m not talking about when the topic is some random bit of forwarded information (which I am certainly guilty of), but when an actual question is posed and then… nothing.

Are you lying on the floor under your desk having a heart attack?!?

This is not be confused with the issue of timeliness – that I comprehend all too well (also guilty). For most people, email is not immediate and if I need an answer right way, I’ll call on the phone. What bothers me is when they just never answer. Ever.

Did you see a heinous crime and are now in the witness protection program?!?

RWT says he has learned at his new job that when dealing with political staffers, a non-answer means “no”. Apparently it is viewed as a means of giving a negative reply that is not supposed to offend anyone. But in my work experiences (with more optimistic people perhaps), it can also mean they agree with the query and will only respond to correct misunderstandings.

What if you don’t have a positive answer but need to rectify a misconception?!?

Personally, I would much rather be told straight-out “no” or “yes” than to have to any ambiguity and have to speculate about what it going on (and plan for multiple contingencies).

Should I put one leaf in the dining room table or two?!?

And I understand if someone is simply not interested in the correspondence whatsoever. If a message sent to an individual who I’ve never written before goes unanswered, I have no problem with that. Perhaps they no longer use that email account, have a fear of computers or they don’t talk to strangers.

Do you think I am a stalker?!?

But it does always strike me as odd when contacting a commercial entity about something they are selling or service they offer and they do not seem to want my business.

Are you really sure you don’t want me as a loyal customer?!?

Also, I am not talking about situations where a conversation naturally peters out. Someone has to end it so we are not stuck all day long with a bunch of Chip & Dale-like “thank-you”, “thank-you too” messages bouncing back and forth. Although phrases such as “it has been nice chatting with you”, “thank you for your time” or “have a nice weekend” are always appreciated since they make things clear and give a bit of a sense of closure.

I’ve sat here for 10 minutes waiting for a reply to our back-and-forth… did you leave to go to the bathroom or for the rest of the day?!?

But the most truly puzzling instance is when someone asks you to expand on something (hence, showing interest in continued interaction), you answer their question and pose a reciprocal question which then goes without response. It is like they are curious about my thoughts/info./whatever, but do not wish to share theirs. My mother always taught me that one should not bring up a topic unless willing to talk about it.

Were you raised by wolves?!?

Oh well, as far as problems in the world, this is a minor one and if this is the worst I have to face, it is a very good day.

Am I lucky or what?!?

P.S. All questions posed here in italics are rhetorical and I certainly don’t expect an answer (unless you want to…).

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