10 June 2005

Down Under

Caution: I’m in a mood. Read at your own risk!

It is just one of those days. I am down, dull, depressed, distressed, dissatisfied, despondent, dejected, disconsolate, disheartened, demoralized, dim-witted, dismal, driveling, dreary, dingy, drab and discouraged. Why? No good reason whatsoever.

I got plenty of sleep last night and woke up this morning feeling pretty good. Went downstairs and removed the sandwich-making-related stain from RWT’s new shirt (some tamarind paste leaked in the refrigerator, ran onto the bottom of the mayo jar and then mysteriously transferred itself to RWT’s shirt cuff). Still felt okay, maybe a little tired… And that was when I made what was my big error in judgment. I decided to go back to bed.

Zzzzzzz. 9:30. Ugh. I dragged (another “d” word) myself down to the basement to workout. 20 minutes on the treadmill. I’m tired. 20 minutes lifting weights and doing sit-ups. Blech. 20 more minutes on the treadmill. Need to fight a really strong urge to go upstairs and lay on my bed... the desire to watch the end of the soap I have taped wins out. 20 more minutes lifting weights. I had just better do the whole workout. The last 20 minutes on the treadmill. Phew! Over. Finally.

A shower might help… no. I inadvertently turned up the water too high and the world’s smallest hot water heater ran out of hot water while I was in the midst of conditioning my hair. Brrr. And speaking of my hair, it hurts. I leave it down, it bugs me, I put it up, it bugs me. Taking scissors to is surprisingly tempting. I also itch. I am covered with mosquito bites from weeding yesterday. Even though I wore sweatpants, one of those evil critters flew up my pant leg and chewed on my calf. Hmmm, maybe all the mosquito poisons are affecting my brain…

Perhaps reading my favorite food forum will cheer me up... Nope.
Lots of new posts filled with witticisms and amusing insights, but it just doesn't work to lift my spirits. Everyone else seems to be in a good mood, why not me?!? The dog can tell I am in a bad mood and has made herself scarce. She’s no dummy (and is probably on the phone extension upstairs warning RWT).

I'm also feeling homesick, which is a bit strange since I've lived in so many locales and really have no place to call "home" (other than where I am currently living at the moment).
But that feeling was probably triggered by the fact that RWT is going to the west coast next week while I'll be stuck in this hot, sticky jungle. Specifically, he's off to the Seattle area where my favorite aunt and two of my good friends live. No humidity, good food, good company, vistas...

Well, enough of my whining. Shoe shopping, the usual remedy for a bad mood, is out
since I am trying to conserve money after the big couch purchase. There is only one thing to do... carbs and cheesy television. So if you need me, I’ll be sitting in the big poofy chair in front of the t.v., a large bowl of kettle corn in my lap, watching season three episodes of Andromeda.

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