06 March 2009

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Although I try to make sure that I do so in person and with great frequency, I also want to give a public "Thank You" to those who've been so supportive of me lately.

2009 has started out as a pretty rough year, with not a lot of relief in sight, and I would not be managing as well as I am without the support of my friends. The following are true friends
– those who check up on me regularly, understand if I'm feeling down and don't take it personally if I'm outright anti-social at times.

As they say on DWTS… "In no particular order":

MS, BT and RF – three of my oldest and dearest friends. I wish you all where closer geographically (keeping my fingers crossed, MS!), but you still always call or email just when I need you the most. You know exactly what I'm going through and prove that being a sister does not depend on being related by blood.

SPM – Your great outlook on life continually helps me keep things in perspective. Thank you for taking the time in your oh-so-busy life to email me with such frequency.

HG – Thank you for playing silly word-games with me when I cannot manage a real conversation.

Miss L, EM and JB – You all have stuck by me through some rough times when other "friends" turned out to be anything but. Thank you for meeting me for Thai, tea and treats. I owe you all so much and I'll always be in your corner.

EP and TB – No one else is as successful in getting me out of the house and out of bad moods. Thank you for the zillions of IMs (from the totally inane to those laden with mind-numbing technical minutia) and hundreds of invitations to all sorts of amusements.

MAP – Yeah, tough guy, I'm on to you. Your "random" phone calls are very much appreciated (and I know that RWT is also very glad you're keeping an eye on me). It is good to have you so close-by and, if one of those trees comes down before I get out of here, I'll know just who to call!

DB – Your door-step paper delivery has kept me from freezing these winter mornings and it is nice to know that someone goes out of their way every morning to do something nice for me.

CK – Thank you for giving me great a reason to get out of bed at 0700 on Sunday mornings.

PS – Your gorgeous photographs always cheer my day and your conversation/emails always challenge my mind.

The CH/OD Old Dog Club – Thank you welcoming me into your circle and giving me a sense of community.

TA – Your passion inspires me and your ready friendship will always be remembered. I just hope I can sufficiently repay you with scones.

DS – I realize you do not give your friendship lightly. Thank you for trusting me with it.

The CEC OSC members, especially, SB, DN, SW and CS – Thank you for camaraderie. It is great to have friends to talk with who fully understand the situation.

TT – You are the big brother I always wanted. Thank you for putting up with me all these years.

The G's – After dealing with some pretty challenging neighbors over the years, we've hit the jackpot. Both RWT and I rest better at night knowing you all are right next-door.

Last, but hardly least... EES – You keep me going through the day to day drama that would bore most people to tears. I hope I bring as much to your life as you do to mine.

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