09 July 2005

I Feel Dirty

The other night we watched the conclusion of Dancing with the Stars. I normally avoid reality TV as much as possible (I find enough unpleasantness in everyday life without actively seeking out more negativity), but I could not resist watching this show since it involved ballroom dancing. And I even allowed myself to hope for just a bit that it would actually be real…

After the first show where the ABC soap opera star got undeservedly low scores (her dancing was bad, but not any worse than some of the other dancers), I said to RWT that they were setting her up as the underdog and eventual winner. Well, I should have taken the time to wager something on that outcome.

The sixth and final show pitted her against John O’Hurley (best known for playing the character of J. Peterman on Seinfeld) and, by getting perfect scores for their last performance, the soap opera star won by just one point. Gee, what a shock. So close… who could have imagined…

Of course, there was also the requisite audience voting that was rather shrouded in mystery. But what could be more popular than a scantily clad (complete with a wardrobe malfunction), former playboy bunny who is currently playing a good/bad girl on the ever-popular soap General Hospital?

Maybe I should console myself with the fact that ABC recognizes the loyalty of soap opera followers and is willing to cater to them. And it was great exposure for ballroom dancing. However, the obvious manipulation of the outcome left quite the unpleasant aftertaste.

Will I watch the next season? Probably. Will I allow myself to think, if even for a second, that the most deserving person will win? Ha.

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