10 July 2005


After much thought, I have decided to no longer allow just anyone to comment on my blog.

In addition to clearing stuff out of my mind, this blog is mainly written for those who know me well enough to realize when I am joking or being sarcastic. And while it is sort of flattering that my blog can occasionally provoke responses from total strangers, I do not have the time or mental energy to clarify the meaning of my writings for them.

The best option would be to just ignore the negative comments, but, unfortunately, I am simply too thin-skinned for that. And it does not feel right to delete some comments (
even if they are little more than personal attacks and name-calling) and not others. So disabling the comment function is the only solution I can see for the time being.

Those of you (and you know who you are) with comments (good or bad) that really matter to me, can always reach me via email (which most of you already do anyway). Everyone else will have to either read contentedly in silence or click on that little "Next Blog" button up in the right top corner of the screen and look for something more to their tastes.

Sorry to be such a wuss about this, but I have enough strife in my life without more being piled on by people I don't even know.